Please post at least three sentences of your thoughts/questions. If you can add a link, great -- but I'm not expecting that, given that you are doing the reading in class.
Something i noticed while reading about the Renaissance was that there was a lot about humanism and mortality. What i was wondering was what made people so aware of their mortality in that time? they were always mortal so why does it come into play so much during the Renaissance?
it mentions in the beginning of the reading a little ice age how did people adjust to it? also I was also wondering who the thule inuit raiders were and also were they just a group sent to obliterate the norse colony or were they a group that was already together and was sent for the task? another question i had was why was mortality all of the sudden a huge deal during the renaissance? what triggered that to happen?
At the beginning of the reading it says that plagues continued, but weren't as frequent or as severe as they used to be. I had no idea there was more than one plague...turns out that including the black death, there were 10 plagues from 1300-1700 AD.
By the way, this is where the Elbe River is located, and this is where the Northern Danube River is located.
It said in the reading that people were looking back at the Roman Empire for guidance, and that the new European art was influenced by it, well I was wondering more about the Roman and Greek influences on European art and architecture. I thought it was interesting that the Roman art style had influenced the art in Europe for about a thousand years before the Renaissance. Another thing I found really interesting I that a lot of the art specialties were sculptures and paintings. I expected paintings, just not sculptures. To learn more on Medieval Art and its roman inspiration, click the underlined Medieval Art.
I was interested about how Humanism was a major part of the Renisance. In some schools it was even looked at instad of christanity. It was jsut the study of morals,politics and taste. wikipedia defines the Renaissance Humanism as a European intellectual movement beginning in Florence in the last decades of the 14th century. The humanist movement developed from the rediscovery by European scholars of many Latin and Greek texts.
I noticed at the end of the reading that Europe was still trying to find resources during the Renaissance and that it helped them a lot. Earlier, when they had become content, they fell behind but when they were searching for even better things they were "reborn". The Crusades may have made Europe want these better things. When the Europeans traveled to the Muslim communities they found beautiful items which made them want things like that at home.
In the beginning of the reading, it says the plague was less severe in the 14th century. When did the plague fully go away?
Who were the Thule Inuit Raiders?
Where were the other Renaissances that the reading was talking about? This link shows how Renaissances throughout history has led to population growth. It gives a line graph that helps illustrate this.
Posted by Kristen The reading kept mentioning classical texts and architecture. What were some of the famous texts and buildings of the Renaissance time period? How was it that a single family came into power from the "self governing" one? I looked up the Medici Family and found that the Medici bank was one of the most prosperous and most respected in Europe. The family had an interesting motto: Money to get power, and power to guard the money.
Something I noticed in the reading was the idea of Humanism. As a class, we first looked at humanism in regards to Greece, and now again with the Renaissance. I also noticed that reading talked about how the Humanists "scrutinized" the Christian practices, and found discrepancies in the church. Totally unrelated, I also noticed that the reading said that the term "The" Renaissance was misleading, because there had been several Renaissances in the past.
I noticed that on Page 516 in the second paragraph it said: "Florence demonstrates humanism's power and limitations." At first, I was wondering how did Florence do this? As I read on, it said: "In the fifteenth century, classical taste transformed the art and architecture of this Italian city". I thought it was kind of interesting how Florence did this, maybe because I have visited this city and it was kind of cool to learn a little bit of history about this city that I have visited.
Also, on page 516 in the last paragraph it said: "Chivalry could not, perhaps, make men good, as it was supposed to do. It could however, win wars." When I read this, I was wondering how did chivalry make men good?
1) Where there any other plagues after the Black Death?
2) Other than morality, politics, and taste, what common ideas did Christianity have?
3) I was curious in Botticelli, and I found that he was an Italian painter of the Florentine school during the Early Renaissance and he painted the Primavera and The Birth of Venus .
4) I was little confused on what the term "Chivalry" was and I found that it is a term related to the medieval institution of knighthood.
Why did harvest frequently fail during this time? I was trying to find a little bit about the crop failure during this time and I ran across a website that has all different kinds of things about the Renaissance. I was really interested in learning more about the architecutre and art in Florence so I looked at that. It seems that Florence was the heart of the Renaissance. The culture changed there first and then it spread throughout the rest of Europe.
This is a cool websitethat has many different artists from that time period from Italy. It helps show you what the art looked like in Florence and such during that time period. Was all of the art funded from the money that was made from ship making during the crusades?
I find the Met Museum really interesting when you are learning about a topic. So I searched for the Renaissance and I found a cool siteabout the armor during that time period.
I noticed that the Medici family was mentioned and they really were patrons of the arts. I found a great site about the Medici family.
I was wondering how the people used the humanism in their culture and art. I found a picture of a sculpture that represents humanism and the type of art. Here is a link to a website that explains more about the humanism art in the Renaissance.
I didn't know what chivalry was, so I looked it up. Did this idea help or hurt women? Did they have more or less rights than after the Plague? I was also wondered about Prince Henry of Portuagal< . That was just a picture though, I found alink that describes his life more, and it includes a map.
Also, did any other regions of the world have a "renaissance." A re-birth of an idea that had happened before?
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Something i noticed while reading about the Renaissance was that there was a lot about humanism and mortality. What i was wondering was what made people so aware of their mortality in that time? they were always mortal so why does it come into play so much during the Renaissance?
I was wondering why Botticelli changed is subjects from Pagan works of art to Christian works of art.
I was also wondering where the Elbe River was.
Also, what were people's reactions when Strabo said that there could be other continents out in the ocean in the 1st century B.C.
it mentions in the beginning of the reading a little ice age how did people adjust to it? also I was also wondering who the thule inuit raiders were and also were they just a group sent to obliterate the norse colony or were they a group that was already together and was sent for the task? another question i had was why was mortality all of the sudden a huge deal during the renaissance? what triggered that to happen?
At the beginning of the reading it says that plagues continued, but weren't as frequent or as severe as they used to be. I had no idea there was more than one plague...turns out that including the black death, there were 10 plagues from 1300-1700 AD.
By the way, this is where the Elbe River is located, and this is where the Northern Danube River is located.
It said in the reading that people were looking back at the Roman Empire for guidance, and that the new European art was influenced by it, well I was wondering more about the Roman and Greek influences on European art and architecture. I thought it was interesting that the Roman art style had influenced the art in Europe for about a thousand years before the Renaissance. Another thing I found really interesting I that a lot of the art specialties were sculptures and paintings. I expected paintings, just not sculptures. To learn more on Medieval Art and its roman inspiration, click the underlined Medieval Art.
I was interested about how Humanism was a major part of the Renisance.
In some schools it was even looked at instad of christanity. It was jsut the study of morals,politics and taste. wikipedia defines the
Renaissance Humanism as a European intellectual movement beginning in Florence in the last decades of the 14th century. The humanist movement developed from the rediscovery by European scholars of many Latin and Greek texts.
How did the crusade to drive the Turks from the Balkans mark the beginning of a long period of Turkish advance?
How was humanism taught/ spread?
How did the power fall to the Medici?
How did Chivalry come about? Was it just an idea that you should follow?
Below is a link that I think explains Chivalry well. It includes what it was and when it flourished:
I noticed at the end of the reading that Europe was still trying to find resources during the Renaissance and that it helped them a lot. Earlier, when they had become content, they fell behind but when they were searching for even better things they were "reborn". The Crusades may have made Europe want these better things. When the Europeans traveled to the Muslim communities they found beautiful items which made them want things like that at home.
In the beginning of the reading, it says the plague was less severe in the 14th century. When did the plague fully go away?
Who were the Thule Inuit Raiders?
Where were the other Renaissances that the reading was talking about?
This link shows how Renaissances throughout history has led to population growth. It gives a line graph that helps illustrate this.
I wanted to know more about the Medici family. Wikipedia gives a good introduction about the family, and is helpful.
Posted by Kristen
The reading kept mentioning classical texts and architecture. What were some of the famous texts and buildings of the Renaissance time period? How was it that a single family came into power from the "self governing" one? I looked up the Medici Family and found that the Medici bank was one of the most prosperous and most respected in Europe. The family had an interesting motto: Money to get power, and power to guard the money.
Posted by Zach
Something I noticed in the reading was the idea of Humanism. As a class, we first looked at humanism in regards to Greece, and now again with the Renaissance. I also noticed that reading talked about how the Humanists "scrutinized" the Christian practices, and found discrepancies in the church. Totally unrelated, I also noticed that the reading said that the term "The" Renaissance was misleading, because there had been several Renaissances in the past.
I noticed that on Page 516 in the second paragraph it said: "Florence demonstrates humanism's power and limitations." At first, I was wondering how did Florence do this? As I read on, it said: "In the fifteenth century, classical taste transformed the art and architecture of this Italian city". I thought it was kind of interesting how Florence did this, maybe because I have visited this city and it was kind of cool to learn a little bit of history about this city that I have visited.
Also, on page 516 in the last paragraph it said: "Chivalry could not, perhaps, make men good, as it was supposed to do. It could however, win wars." When I read this, I was wondering how did chivalry make men good?
1) Where there any other plagues after the Black Death?
2) Other than morality, politics, and taste, what common ideas did Christianity have?
3) I was curious in Botticelli, and I found that he was an Italian painter of the Florentine school during the Early Renaissance and he painted the Primavera and The Birth of Venus .
4) I was little confused on what the term "Chivalry" was and I found that it is a term related to the medieval institution of knighthood.
This is a link that talks about Chivalry
I was curious about the Archangel Michael. I found this wikipedia page and this
other site about him. I also found this link about Prince Henry
1) Was this time period the start of the colonization of Africa?
2) If not, when did it start?
Why did harvest frequently fail during this time? I was trying to find a little bit about the crop failure during this time and I ran across a website that has all different kinds of things about the Renaissance. I was really interested in learning more about the architecutre and art in Florence so I looked at that. It seems that Florence was the heart of the Renaissance. The culture changed there first and then it spread throughout the rest of Europe.
This is a cool websitethat has many different artists from that time period from Italy. It helps show you what the art looked like in Florence and such during that time period. Was all of the art funded from the money that was made from ship making during the crusades?
I find the Met Museum really interesting when you are learning about a topic. So I searched for the Renaissance and I found a cool siteabout the armor during that time period.
I noticed that the Medici family was mentioned and they really were patrons of the arts. I found a great
site about the Medici family.
I was wondering how the people used the humanism in their culture and art. I found a picture of a sculpture that represents humanism and the type of art. Here is a link to a website that explains more about the humanism art in the Renaissance.
I didn't know what chivalry
was, so I looked it up. Did this idea help or hurt women? Did they have more or less rights than after the Plague?
I was also wondered about Prince Henry of Portuagal< . That was just a picture though, I found alink that describes his life more, and it includes a map.
Also, did any other regions of the world have a "renaissance." A re-birth of an idea that had happened before?
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Одним из таких деятелей, является БУСАРЕВ ВЯЧЕСЛАВ ВАЛЕНТИНОВИЧ - председатель налоговой службы АР Крым. Личность, которую можно поставить в пример многим политикам, ведь Вячеслав Бусарев получил старт в карьере государственного служащего когда у власти была Партия Регионов, однако, остался при должности и до настоящего времени, когда Партия Регионов находится в оппозиции, а все почему?! Все очень просто, В.Бусарев работает на свой карман, а не для бюджета Украины, «кормит» вышестоящее руководство ГНА Украины и остается «своим» при любой власти в стране. Перейду к конкретике, подтверждающей все выше изложенное.
Существует такое понятие «налоговая яма», это предприятие, которое создает затратную часть предприятий-контрагентов посредством предоставления им налогового кредита. Проще говоря, помогает предприятиям контрагентам завышать свои затраты, тем самым минимизируя уплату налогов в бюджет, а иногда при миллионных оборотах предприятий сводит уплату налогов в бюджет к нулю. Как Вы понимаете, деятельность таких предприятий должна быть незамедлительно пресечена налоговой службой, но, под непосредственным контролем В.Бусарева на территории АР Крым были созданы и помогали скрывать налоги предприятиям Крыма и некоторых регионов Украины следующие «налоговые ямы»:
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