Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Memorial Day

Please post at least three sentences about what you learned about Memorial Day and/or questions you have about the holiday. Why (and how) do we celebrate this day?


Anonymous said...

Memorial Day is a holiday that is celebrated in May. It is also called Decoration Day. Memorial day reflects on all of the men and women who have died in military service to their country. I also know that on memorial day many people visit cemeteries and memorials.

1) Is there any other holidays that are similar to memorial day in other countries?

2) How was Memorial Day founded? Who found it?

Anonymous said...

I figured since we were just looking up Memorial Day and thing we learned about it I would find a reliable source. I looked at PBS because they have pretty reliable information about things. I found a good video. I thought it was interesting that it used to be called decoration day. I also was fascinated that people have been paying tribute to their soldiers for so long. I thought that it used to be a given that people would go and fight and people did not support the army was much as they do now. I was wrong.

I am wondering is memorial day more celebrated in the south. I found one site that said it started in the south. I think, in response to Davis' question, there wasn't just one person that founded the holiday. In 1868 General John A. Logan suggested people start respecting what their soldiers have done for them.

At the Arlington cemetary a little flag is put on each of the graves. There is a wreath put on the gravestone of the Unknown Solidier. Why in different states are there also other holidays to celebrate the soldiers that have fallen for our country when there already is a holiday for this?

Anonymous said...

I know it is a day that honors people from the united states who died in military service. Usually people on memorial day do things like visit their ancestors graves, have picnics, or family gatherings. Also there are a lot of speeches going on commemorating the people.

1. When did Memorial Day come about?

2. Who/what started it?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for late post, i took a nice nap when i got home...
But i found it interesting that it used to be called decoration day. I tried to find things about that but i couldnt find anything.
So i decided to look at who started it and when. Wikipedia (Memorial Day article) said " The official birthplace of Memorial Day is Waterloo, New York. The village was credited with being the birthplace because it observed the day on May 5, 1866, and each year thereafter, and because it is likely that the friendship of General John Murray, a distinguished citizen of Waterloo, and General John A. Logan, who led the call for the day to be observed each year and helped spread the event nationwide, was a key factor in its growth." and that helped me a lot because it said where it happened and when i happened.

Anonymous said...

When I started researching Memorial Day, I found that it started during the Civil War. Originally it was for Union soldiers who died. Then after World War I, it was changed to any one who died in any military action.

Today many people visit cemeteries of loved ones that have died, while other visit memorials.

Some cities such as Charleston, SC, Boalsburg, PA, Richmond, VA, Carbondale, IL, and Columbus, MI, are some of the cities with the earliest celebrations of Memorial Day.

1) On some of the sources I looked at it says Memorial Day started with the Union, but other sources say that it started in the south. So where did it actually start?

2) Why did Memorial Day used to be call Decoration Day?

Anonymous said...

Posted by Kristen
When I looked up Memorial Day I found that it began in the United States on May 30, 1868, after the Civil War had ended and flowers were put on the graves of both sides, in order to help heal the nation.
I was unsure of whether that date was correct so I found that it officially started on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed officially on May 30, 1868. The South did not observe Decoration Day,but preferred to honor their dead on separate days until after World War I. In 1882, the name was changed to Memorial Day, and soldiers who had died in other wars were also honored.
In 1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday to be held on the last Monday in May.
Memorial Day was probably called Decoration Day because it was the day when people "decorated" the graves of the dead soldiers with flowers and wreaths.

Anonymous said...

When I researched Memorial Day I found that there are a lot of traditions that people have made. Some are flying flags at half-staff all through the morning, placing american flags at national cemeteries, and having a national moment of remembrance at 3 pm eastern time (our time). I also found this picture.

Anonymous said...

When I was researching Memorial Day I thought that it was pretty interesting that it is also known as "Decoration Day". This holiday is celebrate to honor the men and women who have died while serving their country in military duties. In honor of this day, some people visit cemeteries or memorials and volunteers usually place small American flags on gravestones of those who have perished.

I wonder how Memorial Day affects a loved one of an individual who has passed while working for their country. I'm sure Memorial Day to them is a much bigger issue than it is to someone who is not a relative or good friend of someone who has perished.

Anonymous said...

Before actaully researching it, i knew verry little about memorial day. I understood it was a day of remembrence for those who have died serving out country but not how it came to be. I found out it origanally started and was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery.

Anonymous said...

Before my research all I knew about memorial day was that it is a day to honor people who died in the army.

After sifting through the previous posts, I decided I'd give out some answers!

Memorial day started immediately after the Civil War; there is no exact starting date, other than it became a national holiday in 1971. to honor the Union soldiers who died in the civil war. After World War I, it was changed to honor any American soldier who died in a military soldier.

Formerly called Decoration Day - why? Some very large and national cemeteries put out little American flags over each and every tombstone, hence the "decoration."

As far as who created it, the slaves did! They gathered in 1865 to honor the Union soldiers who died for their freedom. And Kramer, Wikipedia says "The official birthplace of Memorial Day is Boalsburg, Pennsylvania." NOT Waterloo.

My guess would be that it is celebrated in the south... since nowadays it is a tribute to ALL American martyrs and not just the Union soldiers.


1. Is there any similar holiday in other countries?

2. Does memorial day maybe mean more to descendants of slaves?

3. Several sources say General Logan started memorial day... can he do that? Doesn't the President have to approve it?

Anonymous said...

Posted By Zach

I learned several things about memorial day in the readings, for one, I learned that Memorial Day was origionally called Decoration Day. A little research that I did told me that it was called Decoration Day because southern womens groups were decorating the graves of southern soldiers in the civil war. I had a few questions after reading this. For one, did the northern women groups do this too? And for two, what turned this into a major national holiday.

I learned also from a link on the Wikipedia that there is a "Confederate Memorial Day", which was made to celebrate the soldiers who died fighting for the confederate states in the American Civil War.

Anonymous said...

Memorial day is a day dedicated to remembering the soldiers who have died in combat for us. It is celebrated on the last Monday of May. It was started during the Civil War.
On this day, the President lays the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns. The tomb of the Unknowns is a tomb with unknown soldiers from America's war. They represent all those who have died for our country, and soldiers guard it 24-7. The ceremony is very interesting, and the soldiers are so precise.
When was the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier established?
One of the ways that people honor the fallen is displaying flags. As we were driving up to the beach, there was a flag display and all the flags had yellow ribbons around their poles.
When did a yellow ribbon become the symbol of soldier away at war?

Anonymous said...

Memorial Day is celebrated in May every year to support our troops that died in service or back in America. It is also supposed to support the living troops and veterans. It is less commonly called Decoration Day.

Anonymous said...

Memorial Day is a holiday that celebrates all the soldiers that have died in the wars that America has fought in. Are we the only country that celebrates the people who died in war? Was it started by the government or was it started by veterans/the families of the soldiers that had died?