Post the post interesting facts you learned about your person. Include questions you have about your person and how they fit into the Renaissance.
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 and was raised by his father. He passed away on May 2, 1519 in France. Although he was most famous for paintings such as the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and his Self Portrait, he also made a drawing called the Vitruvian Man. He was also an architect, musician, engineer, scientist, and inventor. He studied many things such as the sciences, philosophy, medicine, and natural history. In his paintings he liked to use warm colors to create a misty background, as seen in the Mona Lisa. One interesting fact is that he didn’t like to include the eyebrows of his subjects in his paintings. I was wondering about what he contributed in his other fields. We know about his paintings and drawings but I want to know more about what he did in science, philosophy, etc.
Palladio was born in 1508 in Padua. He was named for Pallas Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom. At 13, he became an apprentice to a stone cutter, but later broke that contract when he fled to Vicenza. His accomplishments included church San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. Teatro Olimpico was one of his best works. It was a theater with exceptional design. He also wrote two books. One was called Antiquities of Rome. It was a teaching guide for the next 200 years. His second book was about his theories on architecture. It was called Palladio's Four Books on Architecture.
Palladio is interesting to me because he seemed spontaneous. He left his apprenticeship to do what he wanted and run away to Vicenza. He seemed driven by what he wanted to do.
Donatello's real name is Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, he lived around 1386 and 1466. he was an Italian renaissance sculpter and is considered one of the best sculpters of all time and he basically created modern sculpture. Donatello was born in Florence, the son of a wool comber. When he was 17 years old, he assisted the noted sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti in constructing and decorating the famous bronze doors of the baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence. Later, Donatello was also an associate of the noted architect Filippo Brunelleschi, with whom he reputedly visited Rome in order to study the monuments of antiquity.Donatello's career may be divided into three periods. The first and formative period comprised the years before 1425, when his work is marked by the influence of Gothic sculpture but also shows classical and realistic tendencies. Among his sculpture of this period are the statues St. Mark, St. George, John the Evangelist , and Joshua .
I was interested about Galileo Galilei. He was born in 1562 in Pisa, Italy. He constructed a very powerful telescope that he used to discover the moons of Jupiter and the phases of the planet Venus. I thought that this fact was interesting because without his invention we would not have the strong telescopes that exist today. Galileo also believed in the theory that the earth revolved around the sun, and proved it with his telescope. The Roman Catholic Church did not agree with him, so they put him under house arrest. I thought this was interesting because it seems like such an obvious thing now, why would someone not believe it? Galileo also came up with the "Law of Inertia." Which is Isaac Newton used to create his "First Law of Motion." Galileo Galilei became blind when he was 72 because of looking at the sun through his telescope so many times. He died in 1642 in Arcetri.
What did the Catholic Church believe about the earth/sun, and why was what Galileo said heresy?
Did Galileo have a wife or kids?
What was his childhood like? Was he interested in science even as a kid?
I was interested in learning about Nicolaus Copernicus. He was a Polish astronomer who is known as the founder of modern astronomy. His Uncle taught him at an early age and later he went on to universities. Aside from being an astronomer he was also a lawyer, tax collector, doctor, military governor, judge, and vicar- general of canon law. One thing that surprises me is that he said that the earth turned on its axis once a day and he doubted the earth lay in the middle of the universe. He also claimed that the sun was the center of the universe and all the planets revolved around the sun. I find this interesting because he manages to study astronomy very well considering the lack of technology at the time. They did not have high powered telescopes back then so stating something like this would be a huge jump in technology/ science. His knowledge was spread to others while marking the beginning of a scientific revolution.
Was Copernicus influenced by anyone?
What technology was available to him that he used in his work?
I became interested in learning about Christopher Columbus because I had known that he was a famous explorer who found the New World. Another Reason I became interested about him because if he had not found the New World, then many things would have been different today. Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, sometime between August and October of 1451. Genoa is today part of Italy, but at that time it was an independent city-state and trading center, it was the wealthiest city in the western Mediterranean. Not much is known about his education, there is every indication that he was well schooled. He was best known as a navigator, colonizer, and explorer who were instrumental in Spanish colonization of the Americas. Columbus was not the first to reach the Americas from Europe, Columbus voyages led to general European awareness of the hemisphere and the successful establishment of European cultures in the New World. Columbus voyages across the Atlantic Ocean began a European effort at exploration and colonization of the Western Hemisphere. On his first voyage of 1492, he did not actually reach the American mainland until his third voyage in 1498. On the evening of August 3, 1492, Columbus departed with three ships; Santa Maria, Pinta, and Santa Clara, nicknamed Nina. Columbus took four voyages, his first voyage he departed from Palos, Spain, his second voyage he departed with a fleet of 17 ships in Cadiz, his third voyage he departed from Sanlucar, Spain, with six ships, and his last voyage he departs from Cadiz, Spain, with four ships. Christopher Columbus died in Valladolid, Spain, on May 20, 1506, at the age of 54. He had suffered through a long terminal illness that first showed symptoms on his third voyage eight years before.
How long did his average voyage take?
How much money did he spend on his ships, crew, and supplies?
Posted by Kristen I was interested in learning about Giovanni Bellini. Here are a bunch of links about Giovanni Bellini's life Giovanni's life,Venetian painting, andHis art skills. Giovanni had a sister, Niccolsa, who was also a Renaissance painter. This was interesting to me because it showed that women were artists during the renaissance also. After his death most of his greatest works were destroyed in a church fire. I was wondering how the fire started? Was it possibly on purpose? Giovanni was considered to have revolutionized Venetian painting, moving it towards a more sensuous and coloristic style. He founded the Venetian school of painting, and he raised Venice to a center of Renaissance art that rivaled Florence and Rome. He became one of the greatest landscape painters. It is said that his ability to portray outdoor light was so skillful that the viewer can tell not only the season of the year, but also almost the hour of the day.
Michelangelo Di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (aka Michelangelo) lived from 1475 to 1564. Leonardo da Vinci was his rival, living in the same time period. Da Vinci was 23 years older than Michelangelo.
Michelangelo is responsible for many, many famous paintings and and sculptures including the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel, the statue of David, and more.
Some things you may not know about him is that he was also a poet and an architect. As an architect, he designed St. Peter's Basilica, the Laurentian Library in Florence, and the Medici Chapel.
Here is a website with some of Michelangelo's poetry:
This is a picture of the Laurentian Library:
I thought it was really interesting that people during the Renaissance would take ideas and design from the past to make new bigger and better buildings. Why didn't they come up with their own new ideas? I thought this was interesting because if I was in that position I would try to forget the past with the black plague and all. They seem to being embracing the past.
I decided to follow up on the Leonardo da Vinci link. I thought that he was only a painter but apparently he was much more than that. I thought it was fascinating that da Vinci learned about everything and doodled intricate machines on the sides of his notes. Why did the Medieval Church say his thoughts were anti-Christian? Looking for an answer for this question I found this site. I thought it was really interesting how da Vinci designed a bridge for the Golden Horn. I remember talking about that earlier on this year.
I was really interested in the printing press and I personally don't trust Wikipedia as a source so I figured maybe I could find some more about the printing press.
Here is some good informationabout the printing press.
Thissite has a good timeline over how Gutenberg worked with the press.
I was interested in learning more about Botticelli. Botticelli was an Italian painter of the Florentine school born on May 1, 1445 in Florence, Italy during the Early Renaissance. Botticelli became an apprentice when he was about 14 years old, allowing him to have received a fuller education than other artists of the Renaissance. He trained in the studio of Filippo Lippi Botticelli's real name was Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi, Botticelli being his nickname and meaning "little barrel". One of his most famous paintings is The Birth of Venus. Botticelli was believed to have died on May 17, 1510 at 65 years of age.
Though details of Botticelli's life are sparse, I couldn't help but wonder about his family and if he had any wife or children.
I was interested in learning more about him because I had not really heard about him before. It was interesting to be able to find out who he really was.
I decided to learn a little bit more about Michelangelo. He was not only a painter, but was also a sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer. He was considered an “archetypal Renaissance man” along with fellow Italian artist (among many other things) and rival, Leonardo Da Vinci. His most famous works are probably the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the Statue of David. As a child Michelangelo showed little or no interest in school, wanting instead to paint and sculpt.
I was interested in da Vinci because I did a project on the last supper and i was wondering mroe about him. As it has been said, he was born on April 15, 1452. in 32 years he completed his first painting called the Virgin. He designed the first parachute, plane and even the first tank. Two of his most know paintings were the Last Supper and the mona lisa, and she as no eyebrows. One thing this i found really interesting was the major controversy over his painting "the Last Supper". A few of the myths about it are that John teh baptist is actually mary magdoline, a girl that was thought to be jesus's wife, and she is weeping, but john was said to be a womanly man so that kind of ruins the myth.
Josquin Desprez was a musician, composer, and songwriter during the rennisance. He lived from 1440 to 1521, and some quick math tells us that he was 81 years old when he died. A little sidenote- that is a remarkable age for people in the rennisance, Google tells me that the average age was 59. Back to Josquin. He was a prolific composer, writing 4 main masses, as well as 18 love songs, in French and Italian. Josquin was also very religious, and wrote most of his music for, or with the blessing of the church. Joquin also is credited with writing the origional "canon", a song commonly heard at weddings. Heres a video of the song Cannon in D
I was interested in learning about Isabella D'Este because there are'nt a lot of women who were famous during the renaissance, only men. Isabelle D'Este was married to Francesco Gonzaga who was prince of Mantuna so she was the Marchioness. However, he died and she continued to rule, even without a husband. While ruling, she made a school where young women could go and learn which was significant because all women really did during this time was get married and have children. Because of this, she is known as the first lady of the renaissance.
I was interested in learning more about Donatello. He was one of the greatest sculptors. He was greatly influenced by antique art and humanist theories. The is know for creating the first free standing nude statue of David.
I wanted to learn more about Donatello because I don't know much about him and he was my favorite ninja turtle.
Donatello was an Italian sculptor. He lived in Florence, Italy. He was born around 1386 in Florence. He was an apprentice to a goldsmith from an early age. He sculpted the massive famous figure of Saint John the Evangelist sitting in the Battistero di San Giovanni for three years, from 1409-1411. He created the hands more realistically than any artist had previously. In 1461 he created a statue of John the Baptist. He died in 1466 at the age 80.
The Renaissance person that I was interested in learning more about was Leonardo da Vinci. He was not only an artist but he was also a scientist. He created the Vitruviun Man ( with the perfect proportions of a person. He lived from 1452- 1519 and was raised by his father without a mother. He was a very famous artist and created one of the most famous painting of all time, the Mona Lisa. He also had the basic designs for helicopters, a calculator, and the theory of plate tectonics. The first tank was created almost 500 years later, proving that Leonardo da Vinci was many years before his time.
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 and was raised by his father. He passed away on May 2, 1519 in France. Although he was most famous for paintings such as the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and his Self Portrait, he also made a drawing called the Vitruvian Man. He was also an architect, musician, engineer, scientist, and inventor. He studied many things such as the sciences, philosophy, medicine, and natural history. In his paintings he liked to use warm colors to create a misty background, as seen in the Mona Lisa. One interesting fact is that he didn’t like to include the eyebrows of his subjects in his paintings. I was wondering about what he contributed in his other fields. We know about his paintings and drawings but I want to know more about what he did in science, philosophy, etc.
Palladio was born in 1508 in Padua. He was named for Pallas Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom. At 13, he became an apprentice to a stone cutter, but later broke that contract when he fled to Vicenza. His accomplishments included church San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. Teatro Olimpico was one of his best works. It was a theater with exceptional design. He also wrote two books. One was called Antiquities of Rome. It was a teaching guide for the next 200 years. His second book was about his theories on architecture. It was called Palladio's Four Books on Architecture.
Palladio is interesting to me because he seemed spontaneous. He left his apprenticeship to do what he wanted and run away to Vicenza. He seemed driven by what he wanted to do.
Donatello's real name is Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, he lived around 1386 and 1466. he was an Italian renaissance sculpter and is considered one of the best sculpters of all time and he basically created modern sculpture. Donatello was born in Florence, the son of a wool comber. When he was 17 years old, he assisted the noted sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti in constructing and decorating the famous bronze doors of the baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence. Later, Donatello was also an associate of the noted architect Filippo Brunelleschi, with whom he reputedly visited Rome in order to study the monuments of antiquity.Donatello's career may be divided into three periods. The first and formative period comprised the years before 1425, when his work is marked by the influence of Gothic sculpture but also shows classical and realistic tendencies. Among his sculpture of this period are the statues St. Mark, St. George, John the Evangelist , and Joshua .
I was interested about Galileo Galilei. He was born in 1562 in Pisa, Italy. He constructed a very powerful telescope that he used to discover the moons of Jupiter and the phases of the planet Venus. I thought that this fact was interesting because without his invention we would not have the strong telescopes that exist today. Galileo also believed in the theory that the earth revolved around the sun, and proved it with his telescope. The Roman Catholic Church did not agree with him, so they put him under house arrest. I thought this was interesting because it seems like such an obvious thing now, why would someone not believe it? Galileo also came up with the "Law of Inertia." Which is Isaac Newton used to create his "First Law of Motion." Galileo Galilei became blind when he was 72 because of looking at the sun through his telescope so many times. He died in 1642 in Arcetri.
What did the Catholic Church believe about the earth/sun, and why was what Galileo said heresy?
Did Galileo have a wife or kids?
What was his childhood like? Was he interested in science even as a kid?
I was interested in learning about Nicolaus Copernicus. He was a Polish astronomer who is known as the founder of modern astronomy. His Uncle taught him at an early age and later he went on to universities. Aside from being an astronomer he was also a lawyer, tax collector, doctor, military governor, judge, and vicar- general of canon law. One thing that surprises me is that he said that the earth turned on its axis once a day and he doubted the earth lay in the middle of the universe. He also claimed that the sun was the center of the universe and all the planets revolved around the sun. I find this interesting because he manages to study astronomy very well considering the lack of technology at the time. They did not have high powered telescopes back then so stating something like this would be a huge jump in technology/ science. His knowledge was spread to others while marking the beginning of a scientific revolution.
Was Copernicus influenced by anyone?
What technology was available to him that he used in his work?
I became interested in learning about Christopher Columbus because I had known that he was a famous explorer who found the New World. Another Reason I became interested about him because if he had not found the New World, then many things would have been different today. Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, sometime between August and October of 1451. Genoa is today part of Italy, but at that time it was an independent city-state and trading center, it was the wealthiest city in the western Mediterranean. Not much is known about his education, there is every indication that he was well schooled. He was best known as a navigator, colonizer, and explorer who were instrumental in Spanish colonization of the Americas. Columbus was not the first to reach the Americas from Europe, Columbus voyages led to general European awareness of the hemisphere and the successful establishment of European cultures in the New World. Columbus voyages across the Atlantic Ocean began a European effort at exploration and colonization of the Western Hemisphere. On his first voyage of 1492, he did not actually reach the American mainland until his third voyage in 1498. On the evening of August 3, 1492, Columbus departed with three ships; Santa Maria, Pinta, and Santa Clara, nicknamed Nina. Columbus took four voyages, his first voyage he departed from Palos, Spain, his second voyage he departed with a fleet of 17 ships in Cadiz, his third voyage he departed from Sanlucar, Spain, with six ships, and his last voyage he departs from Cadiz, Spain, with four ships. Christopher Columbus died in Valladolid, Spain, on May 20, 1506, at the age of 54. He had suffered through a long terminal illness that first showed symptoms on his third voyage eight years before.
How long did his average voyage take?
How much money did he spend on his ships, crew, and supplies?
Posted by Kristen
I was interested in learning about Giovanni Bellini. Here are a bunch of links about Giovanni Bellini's life Giovanni's life, Venetian painting, and His art skills. Giovanni had a sister, Niccolsa, who was also a Renaissance painter. This was interesting to me because it showed that women were artists during the renaissance also. After his death most of his greatest works were destroyed in a church fire. I was wondering how the fire started? Was it possibly on purpose? Giovanni was considered to have revolutionized Venetian painting, moving it towards a more sensuous and coloristic style. He founded the Venetian school of painting, and he raised Venice to a center of Renaissance art that rivaled Florence and Rome. He became one of the greatest landscape painters. It is said that his ability to portray outdoor light was so skillful that the viewer can tell not only the season of the year, but also almost the hour of the day.
Michelangelo Di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (aka Michelangelo) lived from 1475 to 1564. Leonardo da Vinci was his rival, living in the same time period. Da Vinci was 23 years older than Michelangelo.
Michelangelo is responsible for many, many famous paintings and and sculptures including the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel, the statue of David, and more.
Some things you may not know about him is that he was also a poet and an architect. As an architect, he designed St. Peter's Basilica, the Laurentian Library in Florence, and the Medici Chapel.
Here is a website with some of Michelangelo's poetry:
This is a picture of the Laurentian Library:
I thought it was really interesting that people during the Renaissance would take ideas and design from the past to make new bigger and better buildings. Why didn't they come up with their own new ideas? I thought this was interesting because if I was in that position I would try to forget the past with the black plague and all. They seem to being embracing the past.
I decided to follow up on the Leonardo da Vinci link. I thought that he was only a painter but apparently he was much more than that. I thought it was fascinating that da Vinci learned about everything and doodled intricate machines on the sides of his notes. Why did the Medieval Church say his thoughts were anti-Christian? Looking for an answer for this question I found this site. I thought it was really interesting how da Vinci designed a bridge for the Golden Horn. I remember talking about that earlier on this year.
I was really interested in the printing press and I personally don't trust Wikipedia as a source so I figured maybe I could find some more about the printing press.
Here is some good informationabout the printing press.
Thissite has a good timeline over how Gutenberg worked with the press.
I was interested in learning more about Botticelli. Botticelli was an Italian painter of the Florentine school born on May 1, 1445 in Florence, Italy during the Early Renaissance. Botticelli became an apprentice when he was about 14 years old, allowing him to have received a fuller education than other artists of the Renaissance. He trained in the studio of Filippo Lippi Botticelli's real name was Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi, Botticelli being his nickname and meaning "little barrel". One of his most famous paintings is The Birth of Venus. Botticelli was believed to have died on May 17, 1510 at 65 years of age.
Though details of Botticelli's life are sparse, I couldn't help but wonder about his family and if he had any wife or children.
I was interested in learning more about him because I had not really heard about him before. It was interesting to be able to find out who he really was.
I decided to learn a little bit more about Michelangelo. He was not only a painter, but was also a sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer. He was considered an “archetypal Renaissance man” along with fellow Italian artist (among many other things) and rival, Leonardo Da Vinci. His most famous works are probably the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the Statue of David. As a child Michelangelo showed little or no interest in school, wanting instead to paint and sculpt.
I was interested in da Vinci because I did a project on the last supper and i was wondering mroe about him. As it has been said, he was born on April 15, 1452. in 32 years he completed his first painting called the Virgin. He designed the first parachute, plane and even the first tank. Two of his most know paintings were the Last Supper and the mona lisa, and she as no eyebrows. One thing this i found really interesting was the major controversy over his painting "the Last Supper". A few of the myths about it are that John teh baptist is actually mary magdoline, a girl that was thought to be jesus's wife, and she is weeping, but john was said to be a womanly man so that kind of ruins the myth.
Posted by Zach
Josquin Desprez was a musician, composer, and songwriter during the rennisance. He lived from 1440 to 1521, and some quick math tells us that he was 81 years old when he died. A little sidenote- that is a remarkable age for people in the rennisance, Google tells me that the average age was 59. Back to Josquin. He was a prolific composer, writing 4 main masses, as well as 18 love songs, in French and Italian. Josquin was also very religious, and wrote most of his music for, or with the blessing of the church. Joquin also is credited with writing the origional "canon", a song commonly heard at weddings.
Heres a video of the song Cannon in D
I was interested in learning about Isabella D'Este because there are'nt a lot of women who were famous during the renaissance, only men. Isabelle D'Este was married to Francesco Gonzaga who was prince of Mantuna so she was the Marchioness. However, he died and she continued to rule, even without a husband. While ruling, she made a school where young women could go and learn which was significant because all women really did during this time was get married and have children. Because of this, she is known as the first lady of the renaissance.
I was interested in learning more about Donatello. He was one of the greatest sculptors. He was greatly influenced by antique art and humanist theories. The is know for creating the first free standing nude statue of David.
I wanted to learn more about Donatello because I don't know much about him and he was my favorite ninja turtle.
Donatello was an Italian sculptor. He lived in Florence, Italy. He was born around 1386 in Florence. He was an apprentice to a goldsmith from an early age. He sculpted the massive famous figure of Saint John the Evangelist sitting in the Battistero di San Giovanni for three years, from 1409-1411. He created the hands more realistically than any artist had previously. In 1461 he created a statue of John the Baptist. He died in 1466 at the age 80.
The Renaissance person that I was interested in learning more about was Leonardo da Vinci. He was not only an artist but he was also a scientist. He created the Vitruviun Man ( with the perfect proportions of a person. He lived from 1452- 1519 and was raised by his father without a mother. He was a very famous artist and created one of the most famous painting of all time, the Mona Lisa. He also had the basic designs for helicopters, a calculator, and the theory of plate tectonics. The first tank was created almost 500 years later, proving that Leonardo da Vinci was many years before his time.
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