Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Reading in class (448-454)

Post here with 10 minutes left in class (or sooner if you finish sooner).

Aim for at least three solid sentences to show you engaged with the material.

If you're not done, indicate that at the end of your post by writing (NOT DONE READING) at the end of your post.


Anonymous said...

The disease was called the Black Death because one of the symptoms produced a blackening of the skin around the swellings. or buboes. The buboes were red at first, but later turned a dark purple, or black. When a victim's blood was let the blood that exuded was black, thick and vile smelling with a greenish scum mixed in it. Black Plague This link has interesting facts and the symptoms of the Plague. One treatment of the Black Death was lancing the buboes and applying a warm poultice of butter, onion and garlic.

Anonymous said...

After I finished the reading I didnt really know what to post on so I researched the Black Death in general. I found kind of a neat link. It's like a story told from the point of view of someone at that time. I was wondering how the plague would make the fuedal system in particular fall apart. Wouldnt everything be falling apart, not just that?

Anonymous said...

Sorry! The Anonymous post was by Kristen about the Black Plague symptoms and treatment.

Anonymous said...

1. Why were there false assumptions about the plague?
2. Where did/do they get the evidence that it was the bubonic plague, and not a different disease?
3. The reading says that there was a wide variety of symptoms; some do not have anything to do with symptoms of the Bubonic plague. What were other diseases involved? Also, does this mean that there was an outbreak of multiple disease at one time?
4. The reading also says that the Mongols used the dead bodies of their soldiers to throw into the cities, in hopes that the smell would be too horrendous. Did this spread the disease to those cities?
5. Why do they think Anthrax was a factor?

Below is a link that makes a pretty good argument against the Black Death being mostly/partially Anthrax.

The link below actually explains anthrax.

Anonymous said...

1. I had heard about "anthrax" after 9/11. Anthrax, I think the book said, is the virus starts the plague. It is used as a new form of biological warfare.

2. I found a picture of flagellants. It's bloody. You can see the thing they hit themselves with in it.

3. Is the bubonic plague cured now? Or would humans still die if it came back?

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to a map that has a good picture of how the plague started and spread to most of Eurasia.

So the outbreak in china was considered to be a different pathogen than the pathogen that spread the plague throughout Eurasia. How were these two sicknesses related?

How did people try to avoid the disease when it was spreading?

This is kind of related to the black plague because of all of the death during that time period. I found a site about death during the middle ages and how it was related to art .

This lead me to wonder what they did with the bodies of loved ones who died from the black plague. Did they know the disease was contagious and they shouldn't touch their family members? Did they bury them? Was everybody too sick to care? Here is a site about this how many people died about and what they did with the bodies.

Anonymous said...

It mentioned that anthrax was a factor. How did the anthrax come about? I know that it can be made and is used sometimes today for bad deeds.

Was there a certain reason the plague "came from China and Upper India" (something like poor hygiene or bad living conditions)?

What was the main way that the plague spread?

Were there any people that had the plague and survived?

Here is a good website that I found interesting because it was written like a person that lived through it: http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/plague.htm

Anonymous said...

Something that I thought was interesting was that the plague was different in the East than it was in the West (there is some stuff about the different plagues on the “cause” link). Also I was wondering what, exactly, was the cause of the plague was. Something else that I was thinking about how some sources insist that around 40% of the clergy was wiped out by the plague but some sources seem to disagree. I was wondering why that was?

Anonymous said...

I was curious on how the Black Death spread. I knew that the disease was partly spread my rodents but I later found out that the disease entered Europe through a port in Sicily, on the merchant ships from the Eastern Mediterranean. The ships docked long enough for rats, which were carrying infected fleas, to get ashore. As the rats died, the fleas had to find new carriers, many of whom were humans. Within days, hundreds of people were dying each day from the illness.
I found this interesting when i read this because i didnt know that this is the reason the diease spread so fast

Anonymous said...

Posted by Zach

I was curious about how the black death spread. I learned that it was spread through Infected fleas, who bit rats, who stayed on ships. Thoes rats infected people on those ships, and this lead to the black death being spread throughout europe.

Anonymous said...

I was really curious about the volga river valley. I all I know about it is that it is a trade route and that was mentioned in the reading. I found it really interesting that the Volga River is still a big part of Russia. The river gives reservoirs to Russia and a lot of Russia's major cities are on the river, like Moscow.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to know more about the Black Death and the age of plague. The reading gave a lot of good information about the Black death, especially on page 449 but I decided to do more research on this topic.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Death <-- the pictures helped me to visualize what the people who were victims of the Black Death looked like.

Just a quick question: I was wondering what the phrase "the age of plague" really means.

Anonymous said...

When i researched casues for the blck death i thought it was interesting that some sites say it was casued by rats that spred the disease throughtout close citys and towns and another said it was fleas that had the bacteria agent
Yersinia pestis.

Anonymous said...

I was interested in how people knew how that they were coming down with the Black Plague not including the black or purple spots that shows up on their bodies.

Here is a website of with the symptoms of people that have the Plague.

Here is a picture of a person with the Plague.

Anonymous said...

I was curious how the Black Death broke out in Europe. In other words, what caused the disease to get to Europe. Supposedly it was carried by rats into Europe. Also, in the link and the bottom, it says that the Black Death is not the same thing as the bubonic plague.


i forgot to post during class