Monday, May 12, 2008

Pages 441-448

Aim for three or more sentences. Show that you engaged with the material. Remember to make links live (see the assignments page for how to format them -- cut and paste from there).


Anonymous said...

1. On page 442: was the social shake-up good for some people?

2. On page 442: How did some places avoid the plague

3. On page 443, it said with the warm temperature expansion occurred. Did expansion not occur during the cold climate? Also, did people lose territory during the cold temperature?

4. On page 443, the Earth used to be warm. Then it cooled down. This was during the 14th century. Are we repeating the same pattern today?
i. Heating back up?
ii. Will we eventually cool down again?

Below is a link to a website that talks about El Nino. It gives a good definition about what el Nino is, the most recent El Nino, economical effects, events that occur with el Nino, and much more.

Anonymous said...

An interesting fact I found was that the Black Death is it is estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of Europe's population.

What did people who farmed do about El Nino?

Why would the Historians have said "little ice age" if it is untrue and misleading?

Below are links to pictures that I found on the black death and El Nino:

Black death:
El Nino:

Anonymous said...

Posted by Kristen
1. Ibn Battuta was a scholar and a judge, but he was known as a traveler and explorer. He traveled to Africa, Europe, the Middle East , India, Asia, and China.
2. Black Death The plague actually had three different forms: the bubonic variant,pneumonic plague, and the septicemic version. The social order broke down because people began avoiding each other.

Anonymous said...

1. Q:What were the "unaffected regions" like? I was thinking about Japan in particular?
A:I did not find an answer to this, however, I learned that during World War 2, there was a re-occurence of the plague, thanks to the Japanese government, according to this TIME article.

2. Q:Like Kristen, I was curious about Ibn Battuta, too.
A:Ibn Battuta was born in Morocco, and went on his hajj when he was 21. He was, like the reading said, impressed wiht Egypt (especially the Pharos Lighthouse, which is one of the seven wonders in the world)

3. Q:A question just to think about...The "Little Ice Age" ended in the mid 1800s (according to the chart on page 444), did the temperature rise because of an unknown reason or was it the begining of global warming?
A:Here is a website on Europe's Industrial Revolution. It must have gotten pretty hot with all that smoke.

Anonymous said...

1) I was curious on the symptoms and how you die from the Black Death and I found that the classic sign of the black death was the appearance of buboes in the groin, the neck and armpits, which oozed pus and bled. These buboes were caused by internal bleeding. Victims underwent damage to the skin and underlying tissue. Most victims died within four to seven days after infection.

2) Where did the Little Ice Age affect?

3) What caused the prolonged cold of 1315-1316?

Anonymous said...

1. If you add the people who died by drowning and the people who died by the plague how many people is that?
2. Did people at first think that people were getting sick because of the cold weather?
3. How far did the Plague spread and where did it spread?
4. Was is just Europe that was hit by the coldness, or was it the whole world?

Anonymous said...

I searched for more information about mass graves after the Black Death struck. I found a site
that explained about a mass grave recently discovered. Another site explained how unsanitary this practice was

Anonymous said...

1. I was wondering what caused certain areas to not get as bad of a plague infection. How The Infection Happens
That doesn't exactly answer why they weren't as affected but my answer would be the idea that there weren't as many infectors (like rats and fleas) in the areas that didnt get infected as bad.
2. I was wondering more about El Nino. I found it really interesting that el nino means "the little boy" but is referring to baby jesus because the storm usually happens around christmas. More on El Nino

Anonymous said...

I was interested in learning more about the moral meteorology is but I really coouldn't find much about it at all. Was this a theory that they believed in china that the plague struck because the heavens were angry?

this link
describes what moral meteorology is.

Other than the rings on the trees, how do they tell there was such a huge climate change during that time period?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what caused there to be drastic climate changes.
It was so extreme that it even cause "the little ice age"
wikipedia defention of the little ice age:
he Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of cooling occurring after a warmer era known as the Medieval climate optimum. Climatologists and historians find it difficult to agree on either the start or end dates of this period. Some confine the Little Ice Age to approximately the 16th century to the mid 19th century. It is generally agreed that there were three minima, beginning about 1650, about 1770, and 1850, each separated by slight warming intervals.[1]

Anonymous said...

Posted by Zach
I was interested in learning more about black death occurances more recently.
I found that the black death also occurred in Europe between 1603 and 1771.

In addition, I found a collection of videos done by Cary Academy students about the black plague. All though some of these are funny, they all give good information.

Just click on any of the Black Plague ones.

Anonymous said...

1) How did the plague end? Did people become immune to it?
2) on average how long would one live with the bubonic plague
3) what percentage of people survived the bubonic plague?
4) why it said that the North East suffered less from the plague
5) Did anyone survive once they got the plague?