Saturday, December 15, 2007

Two Roman Questions (pages 124-129)

Please post your two most thoughtful questions here. You should have many more questions in your questions log, and you should aim to answer the more discrete questions in your reading notes. We'll share via SynchronEyes in class Monday.


Anonymous said...

Who were the seven kings of Rome during 753 to 507 BCE and what did they do?
Why did romans allow outsiders to have all of their privileges?

Anonymous said...

1. Why do we not know as much about women from the lower classes in Rome?
2. How were the Roman armies more flexible than the Phalanx?

Anonymous said...

Even though I researched the Punic wars I have a few questions as well. I wanted to add a little bit onto Kristen's question about the priveleges. I do not understand why they would allow the outsiders to have the same priveleges because even here in America we don't allow the outsiders the have the same priveleges (if you haven't lived here for a certain amount of time you can't become president) Guess who started these laws about restrictions ? Pericles did in Greece. Greece had these laws as well.

Was the roman army built off of the phalanx and had improvements?

Why do people think that Roman culture in the Republic encouraged war? The two consules only had one year in which to gain military glory. Why was military glory the most important thing? Couldn't they gain respect in other ways?

mattie burroughs said...

Why was agriculture the essential economic activity in the early Roman state and why was the land the basis of wealth?

Why was the Roman Senate known as the "real center of power"

Anonymous said...

1)What was Brutus like? I think he killed Caesar...why? And if he led the Senate, and the Senate had the power, than how on earth did Julius Caesar become as powerful as he did?
2) Rome eventually converts to Christianity...was the transition from numina to Christianity an easy or diffucult one for the Roman people? Did Constantine do anything to make the transistion easier? Also, was numina forced upon the peoples that Rome conquered, or was it just the common belief for that area?

On the second page there is a chart compaing China to Rome. I looked and made an interesting observation...
Most civlizations, if not all that we have studied seem to follow this pattern...
1) Unification
3)Shift Capital
4)Downfall or internal conflict
Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Rome, and even the United States seem to follow this pattern (though I think the US expanded more after they shifted their capital)

Anonymous said...

1. How did the seven kings come into power?
2. Was numina part of a religion? How many people believed in it?

Anonymous said...

1) How did the Roman Senate brin the state wealth, influence, and politics and military experence?

2) Why did the Itatlians and Romans believe in invisible. forces known as numina?

Anonymous said...

1. In rome, how were the marjority of the women treated, Did women do anyhting otuside of the house of any significance?
2. How accurate ws the story of Romoulos and Remous? pg. 125 states that there was occupatuion in a part of rome before there time.

Anonymous said...

Why did rome send people to china?

Do we, as Americans, base our usual family structure off rome?

note- Sorry its late, i got home late from christmas shopping, at least its here!

Anonymous said...

1. Did Rome still have kings? It said that the senate would report to the kings.

2. How did the Han empire fall?

Anonymous said...

What was the third century crisis?
It says that all men with a certain amount of land were subjected to being in the army. Does this mean that the poorer men did not have to fight in the army and that the upper-class men did?

Anonymous said...

How was Julius Caesar able to get as powerful as a king, when there was a government in place to stop such a thing?

Did Rome really send people to China or was it just traders from the eastern part of the empire that wanted to trade their roman goods for Chinese items?

Anonymous said...

Sorry I was late but I was not at school on friday to receive the assignment.