Friday, December 7, 2007

Two questions about Rome

Please post here. Post only your two most thoughtful questions. Your question log will contain more questions and you should research a few of the more straightforward questions for a few minutes each.


Anonymous said...

1.What was Antoninus Pius' reign like and why was the imperial power shared between his adopted sons, Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus?
2. Why would Emporer Nero commit suicide? Was the civil war and the rebellions really going that badly that he could not handle it?

Anonymous said...

1. How did Vespasian "emerge as a victor from the carnage of the civil war"?

2. Why would Theodosius split up the empire? Why not choose one son?

Anonymous said...

1. What did the rulers stay in power for such a short time? Some were only in power for like 2 years.
2. Who was on the different sides of some of the civil wars? What were they about?

mattie burroughs said...

1) What did it mean when in said that the Patricians were "a priveleged class of Roman citizens who's status was a birthright?

2) Why did the Flavians pay particular attention to the provinces?

Anonymous said...

1. What was the Conflict of Orders?
2. What did Gaius Julius Caesar(Julius Caesar's grandnephew)do to earn the title Augustus? Why was he named the title Augustus?

Anonymous said...

What made Rome change its government from kings to republic?

Why did Caesar's Grandson change his name to Augustus?

How did Commodus misrule Rome?

I know it only said two, but I realized that so many people were asking about Agustus, that I thought I needed another one

Anonymous said...

1. Who was Nero? The reading does not make him sound all that bad, but then he committed suidide...?
-I researched him, and these two links are particuarly helpful.

The first has information on his life, and the second has pictures.
Answer: He was probably overwhelmed by being hated for the fire, killing his mom, and persecuting Christians.

2. Who was Julius Caesar? Why does history "love" him? Is the play correct (Shakespeare)? What was the deal with his wife, Cleopatra?

Anonymous said...

1. How/why did Rome become a republic.
2.Why did julius gradson change his name
as well as why was it so significant?

Anonymous said...

1. When did the Republic collapse?
1. What was the reason for Nero's suicide?

Anonymous said...

1) Why did the Romans build Hadrians Wall?

2)When did Rome become a republic?

Anonymous said...

Did it take 72 years to conquer Greece and Spain, or were there other countries being conquered between 202 B.C. and 130 B.C.?

Why did the Roman rule in Britain Collapse?

Anonymous said...

1) Was there actually a time when they "started building" Rome? Romulus and Remus had their fights and the city was already existing at that point right? "From its inauspicious beginnings as a small cluster of huts in the tenth century B.C., Rome developed into a city-state," Was this beginning of small huts when Romulus took over as King?

2)How did all the emperors get assasinated? Was there a certain hatred that was passed on from parent to child that made people want to kill the Emperors? Didn't they think that if they murdered their Emperor things might become worse and unstable?

Anonymous said...

Why did Boudicca rebel?

Why would the empire split up betweens the various sons, why couldn't one son rule it all?

Anonymous said...

1. Why did Rome change their government to Republic?

2. Why did Rome build Hadrian's wall?

Anonymous said...

1) What does the title of Augustus by a decree of the Senate entail? Do you have to do something to earn it?

2)Why was is such a big deal when Julius Caesar's grandson changed his name?

Anonymous said...

Why were 20 Emperors assassinated in quick succession?

What is classified as a Republic?