Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Where and when will your civilization be?

Please post here your thoughts about where (and when) you'd like to locate your civilization in space and time. Explain the rationale for your choice.


Anonymous said...

I believe that our civilization should be near where constantinople was was. This way, our civilization would have access to waterways to create trade routes and connection to other civilizations. Another reason for being here is that in Eurasia is whereall of the technology developed initially. As far as time period goes, I'm not sure when we should be. When do you guys think that we should be in time so that we can have the best possible interactions with other cultures and make use of the technology in the area?

Anonymous said...

I also think that our civlization should be around where constantinople was. There would be the trade routes between the Aegean sea and the Black sea. This would mean there would be contact wtih other civlizations and this would lead to cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion will probably be a good think for us when we are trying to create a civilization. We can research about the civlizations that are close to and trade with constantinople (and our civilization). When we should be totally depends on the different civilizations that surround the area that we are going to be in. I think we need to decide a place first and then we can pinpoint what exact time we want to be in.

Mr. G said...

Hannah makes an interesting point, but for the purpose of having a good discussion in class, please don't just pick a location -- also propose a time period -- any time between 2000 and 500 BCE. The time period will influence what other civilizations are around to interact with.

Anonymous said...

I think that the civilization should be around 500 BCE so there could be more developed technology.

Amy Holt said...

I think our civilization should be somewhere between Sparta and Olympia between around 500 BC. We know that we will have plenty of civilizations to interact with. Since we have all those cultures to interact with we can share ideas and products. We could create alliances and become a stronger civilization. A agree with our civilization being around 500 BC because of the technology. Our civlization could be more successful if we could use more technology.

Anonymous said...

I think our civilization should be around Constantinople. Our civilization would be accessible to other civilizations, but we would have less people to fight with. I also feel that it should exsist around 500 BCE because we would be able to have technology, and still have room for improvement in the technology.

Nick Schumann said...

I think our civilization should be in northwest Syria by the Mediterranean Sea. There is a lot of green bordering the sea in that area. It would be a good place to develop a civilization. Also it would be a great place to make trade with other nations and become allies. The climate would be pretty manageable there; the winters are mild. Another thing is we would be near the Euphrates River which could be a useful source. As for the time period I also think we should be around 500 BC for technological reasons.

davis bryson said...

I think that our civilization should be in Rome. This is because it is in a good location for trade. It has a good climate, it isnt to hot nor cold. Another reason is because there are many other countries that we could be allies with. I think the time should be around 520 B.C. This is because this period of time had good technology.

Anonymous said...

I also think that our civilization should be around 500 BCE because there would be more technology. I don't think we should live too close to Sparta, Athens, or near the Persian Empire if we do not want to be involved in wars. Constantinople was in the Persian Empire. I think we should live on the Adriatic Sea, in Italy, or in the northwestern Greece because it would be fairly easy to trade with other civilizations on the waterfront.

Anonymous said...

I believe that our civilization should be on the European side of Russia, around where modern day Rostov is today. There are many reasons why I think it should be there. For one, it is a different climate, with different conditions. This allows us for more creativity in regards to what we use and have there. There is still the possibility of trade with any and all civilizations in Asia minor through the black sea. If we choose to place our civilization around the time of the Persians, that allows us great possibilities for trade, as well as the ability to be isolated. We would not be near any major war sites in that time, and thus would be safe from needless conflict. If we were to place our civilization in a place such as Rome or Greece, if we were intending to interact with those civilizations, the internal conflicts within them would negatively affect our growth, while the benefits of living there, such as trade, are evenly matched in the place I suggested. All in all, a place like Greece or Rome is a bad idea, and the place I suggested is much better.

(link to map for location of Rostov: http://www.geocities.com/wenedyk/ib/russia_map.png)

Anonymous said...

I agree with whoever suggested the Rome-ish area, but before Rome. Maybe around 500 BCE is good. We would have lost of coastline and easy access to Greece. I also think better technology is a good idea as well. I don't necessarily think we would get involved in wars between Greece and Persia if we just try to stay out of it.

Metamix said...

I think it should be near the Korean Peninsula during the same time as the Shang Dynasty because it is surrounded by water, which is a good defense, and it has contact with China, which will help it a lot with trade

Anonymous said...

Coming back to what I said before, I believe that our civilization should be around 550 BCE so that we can have enough technology so that we can trade with other cultures from farther away

Anonymous said...

I think our civilization should be in Constaninoble because there are enough trading partners and it should be at 500 BC so we have the most technology possible.

Anonymous said...

I think that our civilization should be around where Rome is. It would be close to rivers and water sources, and it was also close to other cities which would be good for trading and allies. As for when it should be, I agree with Hannah. I think it should be 500 BCE for the more advanced technology.

mattie burroughs said...

I also thing that our civilization should be around 500 BCE, but I also like the idea of having our civilization around Olympia and Sparta because of the various civilizations that are around those two places. Like Amy said, this could make us a stronger civilization by combining our ideas with other civilizations.

Anonymous said...

I think our civilization should be near Constantinople. There are many waterways as Scott said,and technology is very well developed.The time when our civilization should be around is 500-550 BCE.

Anonymous said...

I think we should have a time period around 500 BC because there is more technology then, and i think that our civilization should be in Constantinople, because there is easy access to water and trade routes, and we would be able to create a society with a good amount of cultural diffusion (like we can take pieces from other cultures and add to ours) because of the easy contact with other societies around.

Anonymous said...

I too, think that our civilization should be around where constatiple was around 500 BCE. With this, we have access to both land and sea. We could also built ties and trade as well with neighboring civilizations.

Anonymous said...

I deffinitly agree with Kristen (I hadn't thought of this before) we deffinitly do not want to be in Persia or Athens/Sparta and the Greece area. There would be too many wars and we would not be totally focused on our actual civilization. Constantinople was the capital of the roman empire from 330-395. This might be a good time and place to be

Anonymous said...

Whoops I mean this might NOT be a good time and place to be! Sorry guys!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Zach now after hearing his argument

Anonymous said...

I think we should be in Constantinople around 500 because technology is avaible, we're farther from the Athens/Sparta conflict, and we are not near the Eyruscans.

Metamix said...

I agree with Jeff about agreeing with Zach. It isn't in the cold part of Russia, and we can trade

Anonymous said...

After hearing arguements, i think our civilization should be in Rome/Italy

Anonymous said...

I still believe that Constantinople would be a good choice. It is far enough away form Athens and Sparta to probably not be as involved in the warfare. It is still close enough to be able to trade with Greece and Rome. Also there is still access to waterways.

Anonymous said...

I very much do not agree with either of the options that are being presented of Constantinople or Greece/Rome, because i think that they have blind reasoning behind them, but if i had to chose one of the two, it would be Constantinople because its closer to Russia, which is what i suggested

Anonymous said...

I'm still going with Rome because it isn't necessarily right in the middle of the Greece vs. Persia wars. We could potentially be allies with both in different ways and take the best of both the civilizations. 600 - 500 BCE (before the conflict starts)

Metamix said...

Greece/Rome because two civilizations worked there, and ours will too, Plus we can trade

Anonymous said...

I think our civilization should be in Italy, not necassarily in Rome. We should not live in Constantinople because they are in the Persian Empire, and if we want to be independent we should not be in an Empire. Italy has the same advantages as Constantinople, the seas to travel on, other civilizations nearby to trade with, and a nice climate. However Constantinople is in the Persian Empire.

Anonymous said...

I think that Constantinople is a good place for our civilization to be because of the contact that they would have with other civilizations because of the trade routes between the Aegean sea and the Black sea, like Hannah said in her first post. Also, I still think it shoudl be aroun 500 BCE

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add the time peroid. I feel that the time peroid should be around 500 BCE or a little before possibly.

davis bryson said...

After our disscusion in class I am still going to stand with what I had origionally. I am going to stick with Greece/ Rome because it is in a good location, good trade, and it is near other civilations that we could be allies with. The time that I think would be good should be around 500 BC because i technology reasons.

Anonymous said...

I think that our civilation should be greece/rome/italy beacause it has many resources and i think that the time period should be around 500 bce because the civilizations would be more developed

Anonymous said...

I think Ancient Greece is no a good place to put our civilizations because of all the wars like Hannah said so you can actually focus on our civilization.

Anonymous said...

Now since Russia got eliminated. I think our civilization should be in Constantinople in 500 BC. there are many water sources around Constantinople and enough civilizations around to be able to trade but not too many to have to fight too often as we have barriers with water on two sides of us with the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara and we could trade with the Persians

Anonymous said...

Rome/Italy has seas nearby and other civilizations as well so we can trade and make allies
It should be around 500 BCE

Nick Schumann said...

I think Greece/Rome would be better than Constantinople because it would be a great place to trade and make allies with other nations. For the time period I think we should be around 500 BC.

Anonymous said...

I think that we should be in Italy, because that allows us to be independent (not part of someone's empire), and because we will be close enough to have allies in the case of a war, but far enough away from other cities to be sucked into every hoplite battle there is.

Anonymous said...

I think that the civilization shoudl be in Greece/Rome/Italy because we will have better trade and is in a good area over all. I think that we should be around 500 BCE because the battles will already be over.